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GK Specific Football Coaching for Children aged between 8-16 years old. The groups are aimed at players looking to improve their technical, tactical, physical and mental side of the game. At TEKKERS we strive to build the bridge between grassroots and elite football by offering high quality sessions and a clear pathway for players to develop.

Date | Friday Evenings
U8, U9, U10 & U11 | 17:00-18:00
U12, U13, U14 & U15 | 18:00-19:00
Venue | Millthorpe School 3G (Outdoor)
Small Groups
Coach to Player Ratio 1:6
Small group training with the aim to have 1:6 coach to player ratio with a maximum of 12 players per session. We feel that training in small groups can really maximise individual training. In these 1 hour long small group sessions every player is always working hard on improving techniques. Due to the small numbers of children we can really work hard to ensure the correct technique is being performed to the best of the players ability and we can work closely on improving certain aspects of training which you would not be able to get in large group training.
At TEKKERS we have a clear pathway for players to develop and progress to play in the Junior Premier League with the TEKKERS Academy teams. The JPL provides high level academy football on a Saturday that compliments players still being able to play with their grassroots team on a Sunday.

Watch some of the highlights from a recent GK session that was delivered by our GK coaches.
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