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TEKKERS YORK sessions are open to boys and girls between the ages of U4 to U16. The child must be at least 3 years old prior to starting.

360 player/Stripe Payment Fees:
All players will be invoiced via the 360 player app. Invoices will be automatically sent via email with the billing email address you used to create the parent account on the 360 player app. You can also access the invoice through your account on the 360 app. Once the fees have been paid via a Stripe payment , a receipt will be issued. The receipt is confirmation of your place at TEKKERS YORK.

If an invoice is not paid on time, stripe will automatically try to take a payment using the card details they have on file for you. This will only happen if the invoice due date is 7 days over due. 


Term Dates:

The 2024/25 season will run from September 2024 to July 2025.

Training on Monday nights for the 24/25 Season will run through from Monday the 2nd of September 2024 to Monday the 14th of July 2025, which will be a total of 38 sessions.  

There will be NO Training on the following dates.

 28/10/24, 23/12/24, 30/12/24

17/02/25, 07/04/25, 14/04/25, 21/04/25, 26/05/25

& NO Training in August.

Training on Tuesday nights for the 24/25 Season will run through from Tuesday the 3rd of September 2024 to Tuesday the 15th of July 2025, which will be a total of 39 sessions. 

 There will be NO Training on the following dates.

29/10/24, 24/12/24, 31/12/24

18/02/25, 08/04/25, 15/04/25, 27/05/25

& No Training in August.


Training on Friday nights for the 24/25 Season will run through from Friday the 6th of September 2024 to Friday the 18th of July 2025, which will be a total of 38 sessions. 

There will be NO Training on the following dates.

 01/11/24, 20/12/24, 27/12/24

03/01/25, 21/02/25, 11/04/25, 18/04/25, 30/05/25

& No Training in August.

Training on Saturday mornings for the 24/25 Season will run through from Saturday the 7th of September 2024 to Saturday the 19th of July 2025, which will be a total of 39 sessions. 

There will be NO Training on the following dates.

 02/11/24, 21/12/24, 28/12/24

22/02/25, 12/04/25, 19/04/25, 31/05/25

& No Training in August. 

Medical Consent:
TEKKERS YORK will not permit any child to participate in training or matches without a medical consent form signed by their parent/guardian. By signing up to the 360 player app you give your permission on the registration form to allow your child to be given medical treatment either by way of first aid by a suitably qualified person or by a doctor. You also consent to your child being taken to a doctor or hospital in case of emergency.  If there is any change to the medical information you provided on your application form you must inform us prior to your next session. All medical information is stored on your child's account on the 360 player app which enables all coaches to access this quickly from their phones. 

Damages/Injuries/Loss of Possessions:
TEKKERS YORK will not be held responsible for damages, injuries or loss of possessions. We strongly recommend that all valuables be left at home.  

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